
SQLite 查询类
$sqlite->init($file, $flag, $key)             // Set the Database Class
$sqlite->connect()                            // Dummy function for the interface
$sqlite->selectDB($file, $flag, $key)         // Set a SQLite connection
$sqlite->query($sql)                          // Execute a Query, Result into $sqlite->DB_resut
$sqlite->getRS()                              // Return The Current Result as an Array and Set the Point of Result to the Next Result
$sqlite->record($sql)                         // Get the first line of the record set
$sqlite->result($sql)                         // Get the single value of the query with the parameters of buildSel function
$sqlite->GetFields($tbl)                      // Get the Columns List of a Table as an Array
$sqlite->getTbls($the_db)                     // Get the Tables List of Current Selected Database as an Array
$sqlite->getCreateScript($the_tbl)            // Get the Whole structure of Current Selected Database as an Array
$sqlite->getDataScript($the_tbl)              // Get All of The Data of a Table
$sqlite->getInsertId()                        // Return auto increment id generate by insert query
$sqlite->create($name, $para, $type)          // Create Object
$sqlite->drop($name, $para, $type)            // Drop Object
$sqlite->select()                             // Build a select query use the SQL builder and execute it
$sqlite->update()                             // Build a replace query use the SQL builder and execute it
$sqlite->delete()                             // Build a delete query use the SQL builder and execute it
$sqlite->replace()                            // Build a replace query use the SQL builder and execute it
$sqlite->free()                               // Free the $sqlite->DB_result in order to Release the System Resource
$sqlite->close(&$err_info)                    // Close Current MySQL Link
$sqlite->checkError()                         // Check if error occured
$sqlite->clearError()                         // Clear Errors Information
$sqlite->error($str)                          // Handle the Errors
$MSSQL = new MSSQL($host, $user, $pass, $charse)  // Set the Database Class
$MSSQL->connect($the_db)                          // Build a Connection to MSSQL to $MSSQL->conn
$MSSQL->reconnect($the_db)                        // Rebuild a Connection to MySQL to $mysql->DB_conn
$MSSQL->SelectDB($the_db)                         // Select a Database of MSSQL to $MSSQL->select (Must Build Connect First)
$MSSQL->convertSQL($sql)                          // Convert MySQL query to MSSQL
$MSSQL->convertLimit($sql)                        // convert sql query string include limit grammar of mysql to mssql sql query string
$MSSQL->query($sql)                               // Execute a Query of MSSQL, Result into $MSSQL->resut
$MSSQL->getRS()                                   // Return The Current Result as an Array and Set the Point of Result to the Next Result
$MSSQL->record($sql, $mode)                       // Get the first line of the recordset
$MSSQL->records($sql, $mode)                      // Get all the lines of the recordset
$MSSQL->result($line, $field)                     // The Same Use as sqlsrv_result
$MSSQL->getDBs()                                  // Get the Databases List of Current MySQL Server as an Array
$MSSQL->getTbls($the_db)                          // Get the Tables List of Current Selected Database as an Array
$MSSQL->getInsertId()                             // Return auto increment id generate by insert query
$MSSQL->getFields()                               // Get the Columns List of a table
$MSSQL->getPri($the_tbl)                          // Get the Primary Keys of a Table as an Array
$MSSQL->getCreateScript($the_tbl, $the_db)        // Get the Whole Struction of Current Selected Database as an Array
$MSSQL->getDataScript($the_tbl)                   // Get All of The Data of a Table
$MSSQL->getIdxScript($the_tbl)                    // Get the Indexes List of a Table as an Array
$MSSQL->getStat()                                 // Get the Current Status of MSSQL
$MSSQL->file($file)                               // Read SQL File and execute it
$MSSQL->handleSQL($strSQL)                        // Split the SQL Query String into a array from a whole String
$MSSQL->create($name, $para, $type)               // Create Object
$MSSQL->drop($name, $para, $type)                 // Drop Object
$MSSQL->select()                                  // Build a select query use the SQL builder and execute it
$MSSQL->update()                                  // Build a replace query use the SQL builder and execute it
$MSSQL->delete()                                  // Build a delete query use the SQL builder and execute it
$MSSQL->replace()                                 // Build a replace query use the SQL builder and execute it
$MSSQL->batchExec($SQLs)                          // Execute Multi Query from an Array (Use HandleSQL First)
$MSSQL->check($obj, $type)                        // Check if a db object works
$MSSQL->free()                                    // Free the $MSSQL->result in order to Release the System Resource
$MSSQL->close()                                   // Close Current MSSQL Link
$MSSQL->checkError()                              // Check if error occured
$MSSQL->clearError()                              // Clear Errors Information
$MSSQL->error($str)                               // Handle the Errors
$mycache->init($mode, $setting)                  // 类对象初始化
$mycache->set($key, $value, $ttl)                // 设置缓存
$mycache->get($key)                              // 获取缓存
$mycache->remove($key)                           // 删除缓存
$mycache->clean()                                // 清除缓存
$mycache->change($module, $setting)              // 变更缓存模块
$mycache->getData($query, $mode, $ttl)           // 数据库查询缓存
$mycache->getData_func($func, $args, $ttl)       // 函数结果缓存
$config = new myConfig($file);
$config->catalog1->item = 'somevalue';
$config->catalog2->item = 'somevalue';
self::getInstance($calledClass)                     // 取得类实例
$this->setSingleton($singleton)                     // 设置单实例模式
$this->setAddedContent($position, $content)         // 设置页面附加内容
$this->pushAddedContent(myTemplate $tpl)            // 插入页面附加内容
$this->setLanguage($language)                       // 设置语言
$this->setLanguagePack($dir, $lng)                  // 设置语言包
$this->getLanguage($idx)                            // 获取语言项目
$this->regApi($name, $method)                       // 设置应用接口(用于数据传输)
$this->runApi($name)                                // 调用应用接口
$this->regPlugin($plugin)                           // 注册插件
$this->plugin()                                     // 执行现有插件
$this->regModule($module, $func)                    // 设置模块脚本(用于功能页面)
$this->module($module, $global_vars)                // 调用模块
$this->regTag($tag_name, $tag_func)                 // 添加模版标签解析方法
$this->regUrl($mode, $func)                         // 添加URL生成规则
$this->url($mode)                                   // 生成URL
$this->regLog($login, $logout, $chg_psw)            // 设置用户登录接口
$this->login($user_name, $user_pwd)                 // 用户登录
$this->logout()                                     // 用户退出
$this->chg_psw($id, $psw_old, $psw_new)             // 变更密码
$this->addCSS($code)                                // 添加样式表(代码或文件)
$this->removeCSS($idx)                              // 去除样式表
$this->clearCSS()                                   // 清空现有样式表
$this->CSS($show, $cache_path, $expires)            // 获取样式表
$this->addJS($code)                                 // 添加JS脚本(代码或文件)
$this->removeJS($idx)                               // 去除JS脚本
$this->clearJS()                                    // 清空现有JS脚本
$this->JS($show, $cache_path, $expires)             // 获取JS脚本
self::etag($etag)                                   // 通过过期标签显示内容
self::file($file)                                   // 显示文件
self::guid($para)                                   // 生成唯一ID
$this->setFunction($func, $position)                // 添加钩子程序
$this->run($position, $desc)                        // 执行钩子代码
$this->start($charset)                              // 页面脚本执行初始化
$this->show(myTemplate $tpl)                        // 显示页面
$this->end()                                        // 页面脚本执行结束
self::redirect($url, $code)                         // 链接跳转
self::setOp($setting)                               // opCache 设置
self::regClass($setting)                            // 设置类载入规则
self::setAlias($list)                               // 设置类别名
self::header($idx, $para, $exit)                    // 发送信息头
$mail = new myEmail();
$mail->init($from, $charset, $log_file);
$mail->setFrom('from@mailserver.com', 'name');
$mail->setSubject('mail subject');
$mail->setContent('mail content', true);
$mail->addEmail('anymail@server.com', 'recipient name', 'to');
$mail->addEmail('anymail1@server.com', 'recipient name', 'cc');
$mail->addFile($file_at_server, $filename, $filetype, $embed);
$mail->addHeader('Disposition-Notification-To', 'anymail@server.com');
$mail->send(array('mode'=>'smtp', 'host'=>'mailserver', 'port'=>25, 'user'=>'username', 'password'=>'psw'), true);
$mail->send(array('mode'=>'ssl', 'host'=>'smtp.gmail.com', 'port'=>465, 'user'=>'username@gmail.com', 'password'=>'password'));
myEncrypt::keyED($str, $encrypt_key)  // Class core
myEncrypt::encStr($str, $key)         // Encrypt a string
myEncrypt::encFile($file, $key)       // Encrypt a file
myEncrypt::decStr($str, $key)         // Decrypt a string
myEncrypt::decFile($file, $key)       // Decrypt a file
Excel 表格生成:
$xls->init($file_name, $sheet_name)                     // Set the Database Class
$xls->addSheet($sheet_name, $change_sheet)              // add new sheet
$xls->delSheet($sheet_name)                             // delete sheet
$xls->resetSheet($sheet_name, $change_sheet)            // empty sheet data
$xls->chgSheet($sheet_name)                             // change working sheet
$xls->addRow()                                          // add a new working row to working sheet
$xls->addCells($cells, $idx)                            // add data to working row
$xls->getContent()                                      // get xls file content
$xls->make()                                            // push content to browser
$this->__get                                                // return the value of any public variant or from the info variant
$this->__toString                                           // return the value of content
self::rootPath($mode = false)                               // return the real path of document root
self::realPath($file, $mode = false)                        // return the real and safe path of some file
self::mkdir($dir)                                           // make a new directory with recursive feature
self::getMime($file)                                        // return the mime type of the file
self::getAttrib($file, $show_txt = false)                   // return the attrib of the file
self::setAttrib($file, $attrib)                             // set the attrib of the file
self::getHeader($url, $mode = true)                         // return the headers of any remote connection
self::getSize($file, $format = ture)                        // return the size of the file
self::formatSize($size, $precision=2)                       // return the formatted size like 12.34MB
self::getByte($size)                                        // return the byte of any formatted size
self::copy($source, $dest, $overwrite = false)              // copy any file or directory to another path
self::del($file)                                            // delete any file or directory
self::rename($file, $newname)                               // rename file or directory
$this->save()                                               // save current content to the current file
self::saveFile($file, $content='', $mode='wb')              // save some content to some file
$this->get()                                                // get the content from current file
self::getLocal($file, $length=0, $offset=0)                 // get the content from the local file
self::getRemote($url, $header, $method, $data, $timeout)    // get the content from the remote file
self::getRemote_curl($url, $data='', $header=array())       // get the content from the remote file
self::show($content)                                        // content output
self::find($filter='', $dir='./', $recursive=false)         // return a list of the specified files for specified directory
self::getRemoteFile($remote_file, $local_file)              // get remote file to local
self::judgeChild($dir, $only_dir = true)                    // To judge is there any file or subdirectory in a diretory
self::getTree($dir='./')                                    // Get the info of the files in some directory
self::removeBom($str)                                       // remove the bom of utf-8 file content
self::rewritable($file)                                     // Check if a file or directory is rewritable
$myImg = new myImg($width, $height, $cr)                          // 构造函数
$myImg->create($trueImage, $background)                           // 生成画板
$myImg->setTile($image, $point, $width, $height)                  // 设置区域贴图
$myImg->setTransparent($color)                                    // 设置透明色(可为点、索引色和数组色)
$myImg->randomColor($rand)                                        // 随机颜色
$myImg->load($image, &$data)                                      // 读取图片文件,并返回图片信息
$myImg->rotate($angle, $img)                                      // 旋转画布
$myImg->resize($rate, $return, $img)                              // 按比例缩放画布(可选择返回图像源)
$myImg->crop($point, $width, $height, $img, $return)              // 截取画布的一部分(可选择返回图像源)
$myImg->paste($img, $point, $alpha, $gray)                        // 将一图像源粘贴到画布的某一位置
$myImg->setLine($thickness, $style, $brush)                       // 设定画线的粗细、风格、笔刷
$myImg->setFilter($filtertype, $img, $arg)                        // 为图像添加滤镜效果
$myImg->getSize($img)                                             // 返回图像源的宽、高
$myImg->getColor($point, $mode)                                   // 取得画布某点的颜色
$myImg->setColor($idx)                                            // 设置颜色
$myImg->checkPoint()                                              // 检测点的有效性
$myImg->check()                                                   // 检测图像源的有效性
$myImg->fill($point, $color, $color_border)                       // 从一点向画布右下填充
$myImg->drawLine($p_start, $p_end, $color)                        // 画线
$myImg->drawRectangle($point, $width, $height, $color_line, $color_fill)                    // 画矩形
$myImg->drawPolygon($points, $color_line, $color_fill)                                      // 画多边形
$myImg->drawFiveSidedStar($point, $radius, $color_line, $color_fill, $star, $spiky)         // 画五角星
$myImg->drawEllipse($point, $width, $height, $color, $fill)                                 // 画椭圆
$myImg->drawArc($point, $width, $height, $arc, $color, $fill)                               // 画椭圆弧
$myImg->drawPie($data, $point, $width, $height, $mask, $ext_value, $distance, $start_angle) // 画饼图
$myImg->drawZigzag($points, $color_line)                                                    // 画折线
$myImg->drawString($text, $point, $color, $font, $font_size, $angle)                        // 添加文字
$myImg->setFont($font)                                                                      // 设置字体
$myImg->getFontSize($text, $size, $angle)                                                   // 取得字符串的占位大小
$myImg->addNoise($number)                                                                   // 添加干扰点
$myImg->make($type, $file, $img)                                                            // 输出图像源到浏览器或文件
$myImg->destroy($img)                                                                       // 释放图像源
$myImg->transString($str)                                                                   // 字符集转换
$myImg->gif_info($filename)                                                                 // 读取GIF信息
$myImg->captcha($str, $font, $fontsize)                                                     // 生成验证码
$myImg->watermark($watermark, $position, $img_dst, $para)                                   // 添加图片水印
$myImg->thumb($dstW, $dstH, $img_dst)                                                       // 制作缩略图
$mypacker = new myPacker($pack_dir, $pack_file)     // Set the Class
$mypacker->addIgnore()                              // add files which will not be packed
$mypacker->pack()  or   $mypacker->unpack()         // pack or unpack file(s)
$this->check($name, $type)
self::init($cookie_opt, $session_opt)           // Set the Request Object
self::check($idx)                               // Check the variables (POST, GET, FILE, COOKIE, SESSION)
self::getValue($type, $para)                    // Get any variables (GLOBAL, GET, SERVER, COOKIE, etc.)
self::get($para)                                // Get variable from query string
self::post($para)                               // Get variable from post data
self::request($para)                            // Get variable from _REQUEST
self::server($para)                             // Get variable from _SERVER
self::env($para)                                // Get variable from _ENV
self::globals($para)                            // Get or Set variable for GLOBAL
self::ip()                                      // Get Client IP
self::ping('ip:port')                           // Check if it's open of any IP on one specified port
self::pingURL($url)                             // Get the request time of some url
self::setCookieOpt($setting)                                                // Set cookie settings
self::setCookie($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, $httponly)          // Set a cookie
self::setCookie_nopre($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, $httponly)    // Set a cookie without prefix
self::removeCookie($name, $pre)                                             // Remove a cookie
self::cookie($para)                                                         // Get variable from _COOKIE
self::setSessionOpt($setting)                   // Set session settings
self::sessionStart($handle)                     // Start the session and set the handle functions
self::sessionRestart($handle)                   // Restart Session
self::sessionEnd()                              // Destroy Session
self::session($para)                            // Get a session value or Get all session data with a encode string
self::removeSession($key)                       // Unset a session item
self::setSessions($data)                        // Decode and batch set sessions from a encode string
self::sessionId()                               // Get the current session id
self::setSessionPath($path)                     // Get or set the current session save path
self::setSessionName($name)                     // Get or set the current session name
self::sessionEncode($array)                        // Encode an array parameter to session string
self::sessionDecode($array)                        // Decode a session string
$router = new myRouter();
$router->format('hex', '[a-fA-F0-9]+');
$router->rule('/test/[any]/[str]/[hex]/[yyy]/[int]', function() {var_dump(func_get_args());});
self::getInstance($calledClass)                  // 取得类实例
$this->start()                                   // 框架执行入口,初始化所有变量
$this->setInstance()                             // 声明重要实例
$this->show(myTemplate $tpl)                     // 通过模板类显示页面
$this->render(myTemplate $tpl)                   // 通过模板类输出页面内容
$this->checkCache(myTemplate $tpl)               // 检查是否存在缓存并输出
$this->end()                                     // 框架终止,销毁相关变量
$this->gzOut($level, $query, $time)              // 压缩输出页面内容
$this->addCSS($file)                             // 添加页面CSS文件
$this->CSS($cache)                               // 生成整合CSS文件
$this->addJS($file)                              // 添加页面脚本文件
$this->JS($cache)                                // 整合页面脚本文件
$this->editorSetPlugin($code, $btn)              // 富文本编辑器功能扩展
$this->editorGetPlugin()                         // 生成编辑器插件缓存脚本
self::checkClose()                               // 检测框架服务是否关闭
self::info($msg, $url)                           // 信息提示,需先声明mystep类
self::captcha($len, $scope)                      // 生成验证码
self::language($app_name, $type)                 // JS语言包接口
self::setting($app_name, $type)                  // JS设置信息接口
self::api($para)                                 // 框架API执行接口
self::module($m)                                 // 框架模块调用接口
self::appFunc($func)                             // 应用自定义功能接口(sitemap, atom, rss等)
self::upload()                                   // 文件上传接口
self::download($idx)                             // 文件下载接口
self::remove_ul($idx)                            // 删除文件下载接口
self::setURL()                                   // 链接处理
self::redirect()                                 // 链接跳转
self::init()                                     // 框架变量初始化
self::go()                                       // 执行框架
self::setPara()                                  // 应用模块初始化参数设置
self::getModule($m)                              // 应用模块调用
self::vendor($class_name)                        // 调用第三方组件
self::segment($str)                              // 字符串分词
$this->__get                                        // return the value of any public variant or from the info variant
$this->__toString                                   // return the value of string
$this->set($val)                                    // set the value of string
$this->get($charset='')                             // return the value of string
self::charset($str)                                 // return the charset of the string
self::setCharset($str, $charset='UTF-8')            // change the charset of the string
self::toHex($str)                                   // change the string to hex code
self::fromHex($hex)                                 // get string from hex code
self::toJson($var, $charset='UTF-8')                // get json string from any array
self::fromJson($json, $assoc = false)               // get array from string
self::fromAny($var)                                 // transfer any variant to string
self::toXML($var, $item_tag, $main_tag)             // get xml string from any array
self::toScript($var, $name)                         // get php code from any variant
self::htmlTrans($str)                               // transfer the html code to show
self::txt2html($content)                            // transfer the text code to html
self::breakStr($string)                             // break a string into chars
self::fileCharset($file_src, $file_dst, $charset)   // change a file to anyother charset
self::substr($string, $start, $length, $mode)       // get a part of same string
self::rndKey($length, $scope, $charset)             // get a random string
self::addSlash(&$str)                               // add slashes to string
self::stripSlash(&$str)                             // remove slashes to string
self::watermark($html, $rate, $scope, $str_append, $charset, $class_nam, $tag_name, $jam_tag)       // insert jam string to html code
$tpl->init($setting, $cache, $allow_script)                 // Set the Template Class
$tpl->setTplPara($setting)                                  // Set the parameter of templatee
$tpl->setCacheMode($cache)                                  // Set the mode of template cache
$tpl->getTemplate($file1, $file2)                           // Get template content
$tpl->setLoop($key, $value, $fullset)                       // Set values for loop-blocks (in turn or batch)
$tpl->setIf($key, $value)                                   // Set the judging conditions for if-blocks
$tpl->setSwitch($key, $value)                               // Set the switch conditions for switch-blocks
$tpl->assign($name, $value)                                 // Set value for one variable
$tpl->loadSet($file, $prefix)                               // Read Batch setting file
$tpl->removeCache()                                         // Remove template complied cache
$tpl->regTag($tag_name, $tag_func)                          // Regist tag-parser for the custom tags
$tpl->getBlock($tpl_content, $tag, $idx)                    // Analysis a custom tag
$tpl->checkCache()                                          // Check if the current template with the define idx has been cached as a static html file
$tpl->getCache()                                            // Directly get file content from cached html file
$tpl->render($global_vars)                                  // Get result content compile by the template engine ('$global_vars' ara the parameters needed in php cache file)
$upload = new myUploader($path, $rename, $banlst);
That's all...
$zip = new myZip($zip_file);
$mysql->init($host, $user, $pass, $charse)   // Set the Database Class
$mysql->connect($pconnect)                   // Build a Connection to MySQL to $mysql->DB_conn
$mysql->reconnect($pconnect)                 // Rebuild a Connection to MySQL to $mysql->DB_conn
$mysql->selectDB($the_db)                    // Select a Database of MySQL to $mysql->DB_select (Must Build Connect First)
$mysql->setCharset($charset)                 // Set Charset for the database connection
$mysql->changUser($user, $pass, $db)         // Change the Database User (Unusable in some versoin of MySQL)
$mysql->query($sql)                          // Execute a Query of MySQL, Result into $mysql->DB_resut
$mysql->getRS()                              // Return The Current Result as an Array and Set the Point of Result to the Next Result
$mysql->record()                             // Get the first line of the record set
$mysql->records()                            // Get the all of the lines of the query
$mysql->result()                             // Get the single value of the query with the parameters of buildSel function
$mysql->count($sql)                          // Count the result number of current query
$mysql->getData($line, $field)               // Get specified field or line of a query
$mysql->GetFields($the_db, $the_tbl)         // Get the Columns List of a Table as an Array
$mysql->getCreateScript($the_tbl, $the_db)   // Get the Whole structure of Current Selected Database as an Array
$mysql->getDataScript($the_tbl, $the_db)     // Get All of The Data of a Table
$mysql->getIdxScript($the_tbl, $the_db)      // Get the Indexes List of a Table as an Array
$mysql->getDBs()                             // Get the Databases List of Current MySQL Server as an Array
$mysql->getTbls($the_db)                     // Get the Tables List of Current Selected Database as an Array
$mysql->getPri($the_tbl, $the_db)            // Get the Primary Keys of a Table as an Array
$mysql->getInsertId()                        // Return auto increment id generate by insert query
$mysql->optTabs()                            // Optimize the Tables of Selected Database
$mysql->getStat()                            // Get the Current Status of MySQL
$mysql->getProcesses($mode, $time_limit)     // Get the processes list of MySQL
$mysql->create($name, $para, $type)          // Create Object
$mysql->drop($name, $para, $type)            // Drop Object
$mysql->select()                             // Build a select query use the SQL builder and execute it
$mysql->update()                             // Build a replace query use the SQL builder and execute it
$mysql->delete()                             // Build a delete query use the SQL builder and execute it
$mysql->replace()                            // Build a replace query use the SQL builder and execute it
$mysql->batchExec($SQLs)                     // Execute Multi Query from an Array (Use HandleSQL First)
$mysql->handleSQL($strSQL)                   // Split the SQL Query String into a array from a whole String (Maybe Read from a File)
$mysql->file($file)                          // Read SQL File and execute it
$mysql->check($obj, $type)                   // Check if a db object works
$mysql->free()                               // Free the $mysql->DB_result in order to Release the System Resource
$mysql->close(&$err_info)                    // Close Current MySQL Link
$mysql->checkError()                         // Check if error occured
$mysql->clearError()                         // Clear Errors Information
$mysql->error($str)                          // Handle the Errors
$pinyin = pinyin($str, &$abbr)
Modified by windy2000 
$db = new simpleDB($name, $path, $tlen)           // Set the Text DB Class
$db->connect($mode)                               // Connect with the text db with the specified mode (read, write or append)
$db->selectDB($name, $path, $tlen)                // Set working db to another one
$db->lock($mode)                                  // Lock/unlock current working db
$db->write($content, $offse)                      // Update the content of the working db
$db->get($file, $length, $offset)                 // Get a content part of the db file
$db->check()                                      // check if the working db can be used
$db->close()                                      // Close current db
$db->create($setting)                             // Create text DB file in the specified directory
$db->destory()                                    // delete db
$db->empty()                                      // truncate db
$db->insert($data, $mode)                         // insert data to db
$db->update($data, $row, $mode)                   // update db data
$db->query($condition, $single)                   // query data with some condition
$db->select($condition, $single)                  // query data with some condition
$db->delete($row)                                 // delete data in some row
$db->record($row)                                 // query one record from some row
$db->records()                                    // query all data from db
$db->random($rows)                                // query random record from db
$db->getData($line, $field)                       // get a field value from a specified line
$db->result($condition, $field)                   // get a field value with the specified condition
$db->getFields()                                  // get current db settings
$db->setOrder($result, $col, $asc)                // order the result record set